Adesões ao saque-aniversário do FGTS para nascidos em março encerram nesta sexta-feira
Caixa Econômica Federal Accepts New Adhesions to FGTS Withdrawal until Friday
Caixa Econômica Federal, the Brazilian bank responsible for managing the Worker’s Support Fund (FGTS), is accepting new adhesions to the FGTS withdrawal program until Friday, March 31st. This deadline applies to those born in March who are interested in withdrawing a portion of their FGTS in 2023.
This program allows workers to withdraw a percentage of their account’s total balance every year between the first business day of their birthday month and the last business day of the second subsequent month. Thus, those who have opted for this program and were born in March must withdraw their money before May 31st.
The FGTS withdrawal program has been controversial in recent months because the Minister of Labor, Luiz Marinho, wants to put an end to it. However, no decision has been made yet.
How Much Can Be Withdrawn?
The amount each worker can withdraw depends on the total value available in their FGTS account. Additionally, for balances over R$ 500.01, the government offers an additional payment.
Here are the values for the FGTS withdrawal:
– For balances up to R$ 500: 50% of the value can be withdrawn with no additional payment;
– For balances between R$ 500.01 and R$ 1,000: 40% of the value can be withdrawn, plus an additional payment of R$ 50;
– For balances between R$ 1,000.01 and R$ 5,000: 30% of the value can be withdrawn, plus an additional payment of R$ 150;
– For balances between R$ 5,000.01 and R$ 10,000: 20% of the value can be withdrawn, plus an additional payment of R$ 650;
– For balances between R$ 10,000.01 and R$ 15,000: 15% of the value can be withdrawn, plus an additional payment of R$ 1,150;
– For balances between R$ 15,000.01 and R$ 20,000: 10% of the value can be withdrawn, plus an additional payment of R$ 1,900;
– For balances over R$ 20,000: 5% of the value can be withdrawn, plus an additional payment of R$ 2,900.
How to Adhere to the Program?
It is essential to note that those who opt for the FGTS withdrawal program cannot withdraw their full account balance in case of termination without cause. Moreover, they will only receive the 40% termination fine.
To participate in the program, workers can access the FGTS application or the website and select the “Saque-Aniversário” option. Alternatively, they can visit a Caixa Econômica Federal branch and request to join the program.
The Importance of Monitoring the Program’s Future Developments
Despite the current availability of the FGTS withdrawal program, its future is uncertain. Should the government accept Minister Luiz Marinho’s request and discontinue the program, future workers will not have the opportunity to benefit as those who have already opted for the program. Therefore, it is essential to keep an eye on any future developments that may affect the program.
The FGTS withdrawal program provides workers with a unique opportunity to withdraw a portion of their account balance every year. However, given its controversial nature and the possibility of its discontinuation, it is essential to assess the program carefully before deciding to participate. Workers must understand the risks of opting for this program and keep an eye on any future developments that may affect it.