As vantagens de pagar em dinheiro: controle financeiro e descontos.
The Advantages of Using Cash as a Payment Method
In today’s world, using a credit card to make purchases is undoubtedly a more practical and often safer option than carrying cash. However, choosing to pay in cash can also have its benefits, from discounts on small purchases to a psychological effect that can influence financial management. In this article, we’ll explore why cash is still a valuable and beneficial payment option.
The Upsides of Using Cash
Choosing cash for payment is a useful option in several different situations. For example, in small purchases at local shops, using cash may help secure discounts and avoid additional fees imposed by the card machines. With credit cards, there are also the extra fees that come with accumulating debts, which can affect one’s financial stability. By using cash, transactions are easier to track and enable individuals to have more control over their budget.
Another benefit of using cash is that it can be a helpful tool for budgeting. This payment method can help individuals gain a better understanding of their budget simply by observing what is spent. In turn, this observation can reduce the frequency of overspending and save money. In addition, individuals can accumulate more cash and use it to start accomplishing their goals or even for a project that has been on the back burner.
Credit Cards – The Modern Payment Method
Credit card usage is rapidly increasing and has become a popular payment option for many consumers worldwide. Brazil is not an exception to this trend, with research revealing that 70% of Brazilians who use credit cards have three or more. Furthermore, data from the Association of Brazilian Credit Card Companies and Services show that credit card usage increased by 42.4% in the first quarter of 2022 alone.
It is evident that credit cards have become a habit for many Brazilians, as this payment option continues to be one of the primary ways to make transactions. Although technology has led to the development of new payment methods such as the popular PIX, cash payment can still provide convenience and added value.
The Bottom Line
Credit cards are not inherently bad; it merely requires individuals to consider which payment methods fit their needs the best. Cash offers various practical and psychological benefits. For instance, cash can provide discounts, prevent fees, and promote control over financial management.
In conclusion, both payment methods – credit card and cash – have their advantages and disadvantages. However, the best approach is to adopt a hybrid strategy and determine which payment method is suitable for each transaction based on the circumstances. In doing so, one can maximize the advantages and minimize the disadvantages of both payment methods.