“MEI affected by minimum wage increase: implications and solutions”
To celebrate Labor Day, President Lula will adjust the minimum wage in Brazil. With this measure, many workers will have access to some advantages, as they will receive a little more money at the end of the month. Although the measure is pleasing to many, it is not beneficial for individual micro-entrepreneurs (MEI).
This is because freelancers do not have their salary based on the national floor, like other formalized workers employed by the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT). It is because of this that the MEI needs to pay the Document of Collection of the National Simple, known as the DAS, monthly.
The problem is that the value of Simple Nacional uses the minimum wage as a basis for its calculation. Thus, the more the minimum wage increases, the higher the value charged by DAS. In summary, the percentage itself is not changed, but because it is linked to the national floor, this value will quickly be adjusted.
This is not the first time the category has been affected by the minimum wage increase, as there was already an adjustment at the beginning of the year. On January 1st, the national floor went from R$ 1,212 to R$ 1,302.
With the new adjustment scheduled for May, the basic remuneration will have a real increase, as the value of R$ 1,302, considered by the administration of former President Jair Bolsonaro, considers only the inflation increase. With the new gain, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will be added. This reflects a real gain in the national minimum wage.
Through the payment of DAS, the micro-entrepreneur contributes to the Social Security, which collects the tax related to professional performance. Currently, the value of DAS paid by MEI ranges from R$ 66.10 to R$ 1,501.50, as it varies according to the rate of the profession exercised.
If the entrepreneur does not make the payment of the value, he will lose the right to social and assistance benefits offered by the National Institute of Social Security (INSS). In addition, if the debt has been growing for 12 months or more, the company’s CNPJ is suspended for 90 days.
The registration will only be regularized if the debt renegotiation occurs within this period. Otherwise, the MEI’s CNPJ will be canceled. In fact, there is no chance of having it reactivated again.
In view of these problems, what can individual microentrepreneurs do to reconcile their accounts with DAS? We will talk about this next.
How to reconcile accounts with DAS
Given this scenario, it is essential to pay attention to strategies that can facilitate the payment of DAS. Check out some tips to reconcile accounts, avoiding CNPJ suspension, and loss of benefits:
1. Organize your finances
The first step in reconciling accounts is to organize finances. The MEI system’s financial control is relatively simple and intuitive, with all payment and receipt transactions being recorded on a monthly basis, which avoids money management issues.
2. Maintain monthly payments
To avoid being suspended, it is essential to keep the monthly payment of DAS up to date. It must be paid until the 20th of the following month. Suppose you see that you cannot pay the full amount, look for alternatives, such as debt renegotiation.
3. Do not accumulate debt
The delay in payment of DAS can trigger the MEI’s debt snowball. Therefore, to avoid the snowball effect, it is essential to avoid accumulating debt by promptly paying the monthly fees.
4. Check your CPA
The accountant is one of the critical figures in the microentrepreneurship universe. It is he who can ensure that all tax obligations are up to date and that the MEI is not left behind. Therefore, it is crucial to always be in contact with your CPA to ensure that everything is in order.
5. Evaluate rates
As we have already mentioned, the value of DAS varies according to the rate of the exercised profession. Therefore, it is essential to evaluate the rate and check if it is compatible with market conditions.
By following these tips, MEI can reconcile accounts with DAS, avoiding CNPJ suspension and loss of benefits. Get started today and avoid problems with financial control, ensuring more time and dedication in professional activities.
The minimum wage increase can represent gains for some categories of workers, but not for individual micro-entrepreneurs. To avoid DAS debt and CNPJ suspension, it is essential to reconcile your accounts and keep your financial control organized.
Remember that the social and assistance benefits offered by INSS are essential for micro-entrepreneurs who do not have acquired social benefits. Therefore, do not compromise your professional career for the sake of a momentary financial gain.
Invest in a stable and sustainable financial life, keeping up to date with DAS, and regularly following up with your CPA. In this way, it will be possible to ensure growth and stability, gaining prestige and recognition in the market.