“Upcoming Dates for PIS/Pasep Payouts: Millions of Workers to Benefit”
Workers to Receive PIS/Pasep Bonus Payments in May
The year began with the good news that workers would receive PIS/Pasep bonus payments. In February, both Caixa Econômica Federal and Banco do Brasil began distributing resources to private sector employees and public servants who had been unable to receive the money during the pandemic.
New batches have been deposited every month since then, benefiting millions of people at a time. But if you haven’t received your funds yet, don’t worry, because there are still a few rounds of payments left.
The next release of PIS/Pasep is scheduled for May 15th, a Monday. This release will be for those with registration numbers ending in 4 and 5 and private sector employees born in July and August.
Regardless of the deposit date for your group, the money is available for withdrawal until December 28th.
PIS/Pasep Bonus Payment Calendar
Check out all the dates for the benefit release:
Private sector employees (PIS)
– Born in January and February: receive on 02/15/2023;
– Born in March and April: receive on 03/15/2023;
– Born in May and June: receive on 04/17/2023;
– *Born in July and August: receive on 05/15/2023;
– Born in September and October: receive on 06/15/2023;
– Born in November and December: receive on 07/17/2023.
Public servants (Pasep)
– Registration ending in 0: receive on 02/15/2023;
– Registration ending in 1: receive on 03/15/2023;
– Registration ending in 2 and 3: receive on 04/17/2023;
– *Registration ending in 4 and 5: receive on 05/15/2023;
– Registration ending in 6 and 7: receive on 06/15/2023;
– Registration ending in 8 and 9: receive on 07/17/2023.
PIS/Pasep Bonus Payment Rules
To receive the bonus, there are some requirements to meet: worked for at least 30 days, consecutively or not, in 2021; received up to two minimum monthly salaries, on average, that year; have been registered with PIS/Pasep for at least five years; and have correct data on e-Social or RAIS.
The benefit is paid in proportion to 1/12 of the minimum wage per month worked. So, someone who worked only one month received R$108.50, while those who worked the entire year (12 months) receive the full amount of R$1,302.
Caixa Econômica Federal is responsible for paying PIS, and Banco do Brasil handles Pasep. By the end of the calendar, more than 22 million workers will have access to the resources.
Consultation of the Benefit
Consultation of the bonus payment can be done through the Carteira de Trabalho app, available for Android and iOS, or by calling the Alô Trabalhador central at 158. Information can also be obtained through the customer service channels of Caixa and Banco do Brasil.